Escapism is our common denominator:

to fall in the throes of another’s journey, to feel vicarious emotion in anonymity, to break free from the humdrum of our quotidian existence. The power to create these fictitious lives is a great endeavor. The choices are endless but we must honor that which speaks the truest.


One picture alone has the power to catapult you into an alternate reality… in a flash you wade through healing waters, unearth ancient ruins, scale to the summit of great mountains— there is nothing beyond your reach.

 My playground is a movie set.  I am most at home here.  A place where all things are possible; where a group of diverse individuals collaborate to bring one goal to fruition; this is the alchemy of filmmaking.  

“There is one art, no more, no less: to do all things with art-lessness” Piet Hein